Friday 22 July 2011

Episode 58: Blood Fever

Stop the press everyone, this is the episode where Tom Paris turns down sex! True, it is with a half insane Torres but when is she not?

Remember that other Vulcan crewmember who inexplicably turned up recently? Well he’s here just in time for his Pon Farr (turned up three episodes ago and already this Vulcan’s emotional, it must be a new record for Star Trek). For some reason he chooses Torres as his mate who gets infected with the Pon Farr (I know, don’t ask) and then stuff and things happen.

The Vulcan ritual fight at the end or the Koon-ut-kal-if-fee which they insist on calling it is strange. Well apart from Chakotay just letting it happen because why not? But it’s about thirty years after the same between Kirk and Spock in Amok Time (or Spock Amok as a friend called it) and yet the Voyager one somehow seems cheaper and less epic. But then it does look like it’s been filmed in some body's back garden.

But what’s this at the very end, a hint that the Borg are coming. Or shouldn’t that be Voyager are coming since it’s supposedly Borg space. Hey, I’m just glad it isn’t the Kazon, I think at the moment I’ll be cheering the Borg on.

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