Friday 8 July 2011

Episode 52: Warlord

This one’s teaser starts off with Paris, Kim and Neelix in a gaudy Hawaiian style resort, (but it’s from another planet, go figure) and finishes on a close-up of Neelix’s feet. Thankfully though, things get better from there, well they’d have to, wouldn’t they?

So in this episode Kes is possessed by a Warlord from another planet (See where they got the title from?) and as I’m sure I’ve said before Jennifer Lien can act. She’s just hardly ever given the opportunity to since the vast majority of her scenes involve Neelix who, under the influence of the Warlord, she broke up with!
Since we’ve only ever seen her as Kes it was quite refreshing to see her as this Tieran character (unfortunately not Tyrion from Game of Thrones, I’m not THAT lucky) and take relish in death and sexual deviancy. The sexual deviancy being that Tieran (male) not minding who he went with to get power, of course his wife wasn’t as pleased...

Another good thing about the episode is we spent most of it on the planet with Tieran in Kes’ body and the world down there. The Voyager crew were hardly in this by contrast, with the exception of Tuvok who attempted a rescue. Incidentally Tuvok actor Tim Russ is apparently a big Star Trek fan and would be the one on set keeping things right continuity wise. Well, when they listened, that is.

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