Thursday 8 September 2011

Episode 79: Concerning Flight

So I’m looking down the list of names of the rest of Season Four desperately hoping there’s a good one there because the last few haven’t even been okay.

This episode, alien pirates steal Voyager’s Leonardo da Vinci holodeck programme (along with other equipment) and use him to come up with ideas that they can make and sell on. Then Janeway and Da Vinci team up to find the rest of the technology that was stolen. You know, when I’ve written down like that it sounds even stupider than when I watched the thing. I didn’t even think that was actually possible. John Rhys Davies is back as Leonardo da Vinci in this but don’t worry he was in movies again shortly afterwards, in case you’re thinking this killed the career of the Indiana Jones star.

Remember when Data was the only artificial lifeform that had been made and Star Fleet wanted to find out how he was put together so they could make more? I don’t know why they worried, a few years later and they seem to have the knack of doing it. First the Doctor and now Leonardo da Vinci. It seems if you just make a holographic character it’s like creating life. Isn’t it breaking some kind of Federation law every time you turn them off or erase them?

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