Thursday 21 April 2011

Episode 21: Non Sequitir

Welcome to a Harry Kim episode in all it's magnificence.  Not only that it doesn't have any of the actual crew until the last minute and the Doctor isn't in it at all.  Brace yourselves in everyone!

Harry wakes up in an alternate present due to time lines being affected by a shuttle accident or something.  In this timeline Harry is successful at his gainful employ and is due to get married to an actual woman too.

So this Brannon Braga written story involves time travel?  I'll let you come round from the shock before I continue.  Ready?

The fact no-one believes him intrigues me.  It seems in a lot of recent Trek people can just say they've been whisked away by a temporal anomaly without any evidence and their crews are falling over themselves to help them.

Then there's why he'd be fighting so hard to get back to a ship 70,000 light years from home.  Apparently it's because of Paris and the person who ended up on Voyager instead of him.  This despite the fact time was altered so these people will have known nothing else.  In short Harry, this is why you’re still an ensign.

All in all though, while it has nothing going for it, it's not a terrible episode just a pointless one.

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