Sunday, 26 June 2011

Episode 48: Remember

You just know you’re in for an extra special episode when the cliffhanger before the credits is that Torres sleeps in.  Strap yourselves in, it’s warp factor entertainment!  Point two.
So Voyager’s acting like a taxi service for a group of aliens travelling to their home planet.  These aliens have telepathic links and shortly afterwards Torres has dreams, in which she is one of the aliens, in the form of After School Specials.  This particular one is that the Holocaust is bad.  Yeagh, I think most people know that.  So Torres is getting these dreams from one of the elder aliens who dies. Torres gets annoyed at this, tries to confront the aliens but none of them will believe her about the holocaust and because this is the week that Janeway stands by the Prime Directive she can’t do anything about it.  Until that is one of the aliens decides to see the image in her mind and see it’s all true.  
Just one question, so why didn’t the elder alien just cut out the middle man and send the dreams to one of her race in the first place?  Then I wouldn’t have had to put up with this pointless episode in which the Voyager crew don’t actually do anything.

Oh and lastly, when the writers decide to have Janeway say the line “When was the last time I surprised you?” to Tuvok how about they not make it two episodes after he said to her “Captain, you have managed to surprise me”.

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