Monday 13 June 2011

Episode 42: Basics Part I

It’s the season finale so you know what that means, that’s right it’s the... Kazons?  It’s alright it’s sort of their last appearance.

So Seska contacts Voyager to say she’s had Chakotay’s baby and to come and get her.  So Janeway and Chakotay talk about whether they should all go after his son she says that it’s his decision.  Um actually, no, it’s not... YOU’RE THE CAPTAIN.  Also why bother?  Don’t the rest of the crew have something to say about being delayed from getting back home yet again?  Needless to say it’s a trap, the ship is captured and the crew end up on a planet without technology.  Oh the irony.

The Doctor’s is a funny character all by himself so why do they need to put him in “humourous” situations.  This week it involved him being accidentally put in space during a battle.  Oh, my sides have split.  Speaking of battles, they seem to have got even more technobabbly since TNG.  It’s all “attack pattern sierra” and what have you now which results in two photon torpedoed being fired.  What was wrong with “fire two torpedoes”?

It is nice to see Suder the serial killer again, good to know that he wasn’t just thrown into Phantom Zone as people are want to do in these situations.  The next part is set up nicely with Suder and the Doctor poised on the ship to go all Die Hard In The Delta Quadrant.

And that’s season two done, five to go.

1 comment:

  1. Attack Pattern Sierra, so you die whenever you touch anything, eh.
