Tuesday 31 May 2011

Episode 37: Deadlock

So Voyager ends up getting duplicated due to [INSERT TECHNOBABBLE HERE], can you guess who wrote this one?  Come on, sounds like Tannon Traga?  No?
Ah never mind.  So anyway, the two ships are both joined by the anti matter engines and one ends up more destroyed than the other.  Indeed Ensign Wildman gives birth to her baby which promptly dies, thus giving a massive clue to anyone watching that something’s going on since babies don’t just die on Star Trek.
Due to the two ships we’re treated to scenes of two Kes’ and two Janeways acting opposite each other.  I mean, who do they think they are?  Kirk?
After the episode with the Doctor’s love interest showing how not all Vidiians are faceless monsters (literally) here they are back to being rent a villain which could’ve been any alien race.  Mercifully we were spared the Kazon in this one.
I did like the twist that it wasn’t the beaten up ship that wouldn’t survive the episode but the pristine one.  Another interesting thing was that Kim and Ensign Wildman’s baby are now actually not from this universe but then they did that first on Deep Space Nine.  Though it does raise the question if you’d gotten rid of Kim why take on another one?!

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