Tuesday 3 May 2011

Episode 26: Cold Fire

We’re not even into the middle of the second season yet and already in this episode Voyager meets up with the Caretaker’s mate again.  That’s after a ‘Previously on’ explaining what happened in the pilot ten months ago, which they mention was ten months ago.  Did I say it was ten months ago, I think they mentioned it.  Funny it seemed longer, so much longer.

Kes and Tuvok were pretty much the best things about this episode and I like Tuvok teaching her burgeoning psychic abilities.  Scene where Kes almost fries Tuvok alive was especially good between them except it was resolved far too quickly, in fact in the shot he was pretty much fine again.  I did think they should have spent more time on it, even an episode dealing with the characters afterwards.
Wish they hadn’t named the Caretaker’s mate Suspiria and have people say it so often.  I keep getting worried that the crew are going to break into Phil Collins’ Sussudio at any moment.  It’s Voyager, it could happen!

The Ocampan Tanis was played by Gary Graham who went onto play a Vulcan in Enterprise, and from this episode I can see why.  While his performance wasn’t bad there didn’t seem to any feeling behind it which would’ve helped me feel anything for him whenever he didn’t succeed.

Lastly I loved that the Ocampans called Voyager the “ship of death”.  Don’t they just know it.

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