Unfortunately there are no dragons in this episode. With teeth or otherwise.
Inexplicably Voyager find themselves in a subspace corridor which another race, the Turei, get them out of. The corridor has moved Voyager hundreds of lightyears in a short time and are curious about it. However the Turei don’t want them to have any information on it and attack. They cunningly evade them by landing on a planet which obviously confuses the Turei. On the planet, Janeway and Seven investigating a life sign find a stasis pod and Seven awakens the inhabitant after 900 years. Janeway tells her off as this is not the Starfleet way but it would be a much shorter episode otherwise. Damn you Seven! The inhabitant is Gedrin, a Vaadwaur who has a weird face. But when 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not. Janeway and the crew do the StarFleet thing and set about helping him. This is despite him having no remorse for his wife having died, no respect for inferior people and spoiling movies before they’re out. The crew help him and other Vaadwaur to attack the Turei. Neelix does some research as it seems the Talaxians were aware of them and discovers that shockingly they were all dicks. Janeway now changes her mind and leave the two races to fight it out with each other having brought peace to another sector of the Delta Quadrant.
During the episode the Vaadwaur and Janeway keep saying they are 900 years out of date with technology. Surely this is only true if everyone has exactly the same amount of technology at all times. Besides, they’re sure to be more advanced than the Kazon.
Small mercies: Apparently this was originally planned as a two hour movie.
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