So here we are at the start of season six, only two more to go...
After being attacked by the aliens, the Voyager crew eventually get their shields up again and the Doctor tends to the injured. Back on Equinox, Seven has been taken prisoner along with the Doctor meaning Voyager’s Doctor is secretly the evil Equinox one, well as evil as you can be without your ethical subroutines. Janeway contracts the Star Trek Moby Dick virus and sees Captain Batman as her white whale. Chakotay doesn’t fancy the role of Ishmael as it’s too interesting so disagrees with her. On the Equinox, the machine to convert aliens to fuel has stopped so Captain Batman removes the Doctor’s ethical subroutines so he can get the information to restore it from Seven. Voyager recovers some of the Equinox crew and Janeway is willing to use any means necessary to get Equinox’s location. Chakotay doesn’t see it that way and is relieved of duty. Hurrah! Captain Batman eventually has a change of heart after Voyager finds him and beams his crew over, himself going down with the ship. Finally the few remaining Equinox crew are stripped of rank and kept on board, so Harry can now order them about. How humiliating.
This episode while quite good just didn’t feel as good as the first part. It was let down somewhat with the quick and typical ‘everythings fine again’ ending. Chakotay even ends up back in the uniform without so much of a conversation. Also I would’ve liked something with Seven not really trusting the Doctor so much at first especially after the chilling Clementine scene between them.
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