Despite the title, this isn’t about a 1980’s hair metal band, although with Voyager it’s only a matter of time.
The Voyager controls lock out and nobody can access anything which I suppose is the yellow light of death for starships. Let’s hope they remembered to make a backup, but before they begin arguing over who’s turn that was, Janeway wanders onto the bridge and fixes everything. Turns out this is all due to the Omega Directive which is actually the most important order from Star Fleet, superceding even the Prime Directive (Not that anyone actually cares about that). Omega’s a incredibly dangerous substance that must be destroyed at all costs. Seven also knows of it from the Borg and thinks of it as perfection. I’ll not insult your intelligence by telling you who wins that argument.
The last time I watched this, lo those many years ago, I just thought the idea of the Omega Directive was kind of silly and not warranting the fanfare it has on the episode, but watching it now I can kind of see it. It’s by no means a great episode but it didn’t bore me like so many others (so many). Besides any episode where Seven calls Harry Kim “Six of Ten” isn’t bad in my book... or blog.
As a friend pointed out to me (go to his website here!), this one wouldn’t be out of place on TOS either, what with orders from Star Fleet and all. So that’s two in all now. I hope that doesn’t mean that Seven is the new Chekov?
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