Shockingly the Hirogen aren’t in this one. But don’t worry Seven is. It’s gonna be either one or the other.
After Janeway barters some Federation isolinear chips, Seven has to cooperate with a Delta Quadrant Creepster to install more weapons for Voyager. So much for peace and exploration then. Seven is creeped out needless to say and punches him. With the help of the Doctor she remembers being held down and having her nanoprobes stolen. Yeah, I’m afraid there’s no way to say that without it sounding like a euphemism. Voyager initiates their usual investigation and lo and behold he’s innocent! Oh, he’s already killed himself.
The Doctor was probably about the best thing in this with his realisation that he was indirectly to do with a man’s death and his reaction. Even Seven didn’t have much to do considering she was the main character. She just acts angry, by which I mean she says “I am angry”, just to make sure there’s no ambiguity.
Incidentally the writers who came up with the initial idea for this episode also wrote for the game show Jeopardy! Which says a lot really. “What is the worst 24th century Star Trek series?” would be the answer I think.
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