So for this episode instead of a Vulcan ritual, this time it’s a Klingon one. Equal opportunities and multi culturalism abounds in this series!
An alien race who’ve been decimated by the Borg (Borg eh? I wonder if they want revenge on any of the crew?) try to appeal to Janeway’s charitable side. Which is all well and good until they start threatening Voyager for more. Meanwhile Torres is conflicted about a Klingon ritual and she’s having a bad day. I can just imagine her Twitter account now “Damn now they’ve sent the Borg to engineering. #worstdayever”.
For a lot of the episode Torres and Paris end up in suits in the middle of space by themselves and they have to confront their feelings for each other. Feelings everyone knows about, I could’ve told you several episodes ago. In fact I’m sure Species 8472 could too. They’ve probably got a similar blog to this one.
The alien race in this, the Caatati (looks like the letters I normally get in Scrabble), start by being pathetic to get charity, followed by bringing more ships to demand more from them. So what do the Voyager crew do, they build them a generator so they can power their ships of course. Well, Seven did actually. Because she’s feeling compassion now which results in the Caatati not wanting to kill her anymore. Of course it does.
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